This is a comedy, drama based on the 1850 Victorian era novel David Copperfield, written by Charles Dickens. This movie shows the life events that David Copperfield (played by Dev Patel) has endured from the time of his birth, through to where he is now, the one reading his own personal history to an auditorium full of people. David's life is chaotic, hilarious and tragic, but he stays full of life. Along the way we get to meet a lot of characters played by well known actors and actresses. Daisy May Cooper plays Nanny Peggotty, Hugh Laurie plays Mr. Dick, Tilda Swinton plays his Aunt, Betsy Trotwood, Darren Boyd plays his Step-Father Edward Murdstone, Gwendoline Christie plays Edward's Sister Jane Murdstone and Peter Capaldi plays the eccentric Mr. Micawber.
I thought the movie is a good realisation of the good and bad that we all endure during our lives, full of the ups and downs of a roller-coaster. Now not having read the novel, I can't say how close it is to Dickens' work, but i did enjoy it. It is funny at times, as well as sad in those difficult moments. I think that Dev Patel was excellent and with the added humour of Hugh Laurie and Peter Capaldi, it is certainly a movie to brighten up your day. The action on the screen is none stop, almost as though David is running through the whole of his life, although this doesn't in any way mean that its rushed, its actually really clever. Armando Iannucci has made a modern day non modern day of a classic novel, by that i mean it is fresh, crisp but has the Victorian backdrop. The movie has already won an array of awards, as well as a lot of nominations too. The movie was released in the UK in January, but has been delayed for viewing in America until August.