This is a World War II movie that is inspired by true events. Major Kaminski (played by Ed Westwick) is chosen by American leaders to lead a mission into Poland on a covert mission to extract a Polish scientist from the hands of the Germans. He is accompanied on this mission by 4 of Britain's finest officers, who have expertise in extractions. The problem is that the scientist in question is Dr. Fabian (played by Pawel Delag), he is very sort after by the German's and is under heavy guard while he works, they think that he is possibly a mission link to a secret innovation that they are planning. Dr. Fabien is allowed to go and see his wife and daughter for one day a month, and even then he is heavily guarded. The Germans are holding his wife and child as leverage and to inspire him to find what they are missing, he knows fore well that if he doesn't succeed then they will not hesitate to kill them, and him for that matter. This information has been smuggled from Poland by the way of Polish resistance who are working with the Allied forces. The mission has so many complications and needs to be timed to perfection to achieve the objective.
I really struggled at times with this movie, sorry to say there are lots of errors that if had been played correctly could have produced a very good movie. As i said it was/is inspired by true events but without background being given in certain areas you seem to have to work it out for yourself. Also its a very tactical mission that they are facing and we see no plans of how they plan to extract the Doctor. I just think that it felt clumsy and stumbled through rather that being a very good War story. I haven't even mentioned that John Hannah stars in the movie, as to be fair he didn't contribute too much. On a positive note, I did like the way the truth about Dr. Fabien's scientific field was kept away from Major Kaminski and the 4 soldiers before they left.