This Film was released back in 1987! 33 years ago! If you are looking for a bit of 80's comedy delivered in the best possible way, give this a watch. Whether it be the first view or the 100th time you see it i'm am sure that you will find some pleasure.
So the story is set a follow on to the great Dragnet net series from the 50's. Instead of Jack Webb (Original Joe Friday), we have the amazingly talented Dan Aykroyd playing his Nephew, also called Friday, also called Joe. Now Joe is a "by the book" cop that seems to know the complete police procedure of the top of his head, you will see this countless times through the movie. My favourite is upon meeting new, more laid back, partner Pep Streebek (played by Tom Hanks) he quotes and listen for this, he is breaking the dress code "Section 3-605." absolute classic moment in any movie, any time. Talking of time, he is obsessed with stating the time, you will hear this as he part narrates to give that old style Dragnet comedy. In the movie the 2 Police Officers are in pursuit of the P.A.G.A.N. group.